Key Steps on being your Authentic Self
My journey hasn’t been all that different., than other entrepreneurs. Once I left my career in marketing/product development, I started one business only to walk away before it really got off the ground. I loved it but hated the industry and felt it was a minefield of misinformation. I know, I could have stayed and continued to educate people around the ethnicity and how to use the product– but when you end each day just hating what you are sending out into the world– How are others going to fall in love with you or your message? Do you get what I’m saying? After all, whatever we put into the universe is sent back to you and if you are unhappy, not in love with the work you are doing— your audience– they know.
I know some of you know this story but I had lunch with a girlfriend– one of those long lunches where you solve all the world’s problems. We were talking about the old business adventure and just how I was struggling and truly unhappy. And, as only good friends can do– she asked me what in the world was I doing? Not because she didn’t agree with my mission but she knows that I always wanted to help holistic health practitioners market their business– and why did I give up that dream?
On the drive home, I had to ask myself that same question. Why did I give up on that dream? Did I still have that drive to help? The more I thought about it the more excited I became. Going back to my roots. Supporting an industry that I was passionate about and using my skills in marketing. I mean really– it was a huge wake-up call.
How do you know if you are in alignment? I will admit it comes easily to some and other struggle for years trying to figure out what their purpose is in this human life. I think we try to make it too difficult. We want to make it this big big grand purpose. In reality it can be as simple as wanting to live a heart-centered life where you try and bring joy to those you love and come into contact with. For others, it might be to create and bring new ideas to the world.
Either way, the key is to find that one goal that will make your heart and soul sing the loudest.
Here are some steps that will help you find that one thing that will light you up from the inside.
Reflection on your life– being honest and constructive
It helps to quiet your thoughts– all the things you are supposed to be doing, what you are “supposed” to be, and all the other supposed to! Forget about all you’ve thought life should be like, those fixed plans you had pictured for yourself.
What do you see? What are your priorities? What are your biggest fears? What keeps you up at night? How can you tackle those and turn them into positive experiences.
Losing the energy of fear will open you to your highest abundance.
Small steps of living your life from your place of truth, love and integrity.
We all want instant change, gratification. We want out of a place of our fear. Worry. Into a world that is nirvana. But let’s be realistic– we create a lot of our circumstances. It’s a hard truth. Not saying that the world around us doesn’t throw us some unexpected twists and turns but a lot of my anxiety is usually based on decisions I’ve made or decisions I’ve put off as I didn’t want to deal with an unpleasant experience.
If you are willing to let go of your ideas of plans you had for your life, fears, doubts and even self-imposed limitations you will find that path that you were meant to be. And remember, this doesn’t have to be some grand experience. There are so many people that their true purpose is to live a heart-centered life raising their family. Others to be healers, creators, activists– either on a small scale or one of your wildest dreams.
Once you let go of the fear, doubt, and your limitations your soul will lead you to places you’ve never dreamed.
Prepare to be uncomfortable.
Growth is hard. But so worth it when you find that goal that makes your heart sing. Reach out for help– a life coach or health coach. A friend. The more you dive into your one true purpose you are going to need support. Your brain is going to throw up a lot of resistance– not because it thinks you can’t do this– but to keep you safe. You’ll keep reminding yourself you are safe and living your truest life. I’ve found that during these times of great growth it’s helped to really focus on my self-care: daily gratitude, pampering myself with long baths, walks, massage, or quality time to recharge. For me that’s taking an afternoon to read.
Other things to ask yourself-
- Who can I be today?
- What can I do today to stay in alignment?
- Who can I help today?
- What can I be thankful for today?
- Today I am alive.
- What’s blocking me from moving forward.
Journal on these thoughts when you are feeling stuck or when you are feeling resistance. Key to journaling is taking pen to paper, writing without judgement and just let the thoughts come through and out.
To really find your purpose you need to get out of your own head. That’s what I did on my way home from seeing my girlfriend.
I let go of control. And listened. Sometimes the answers come quickly and easily and other times– I really have to listen. But for me the magic is in listening. Tuning into your intuition. Even journaling. And, not trying to force yourself into something that doesn’t feel right for you.
Once you have that core spark of enthusiasm– where you start feeling this is how I want to show up in the world. Then start exploring ways you can do this– that works for your lifestyle and your goals.
Have fun and see where the universe takes you. Because the soul always knows.
Sending you love and hugs!
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